
This fish is known to be very vicious - aggressive and carnivorous. There are many bars along the Amazon River.
Most flows in the stem of the river along the Brazilian and Venezuelan. Many kinds. The most aggressive is yangberukuran medium. The average weight of between 600 to 700 grams. There is also a one kilogram - but rarely. There's even a large and weighed up to 5 kg. But the most famous vicious and aggressive is the entity being - between 600 to 700 grams of it.
Piranha fish, other than fish of other species - have pointy teeth and sharp - there are similarities with the shark teeth - swordfish. Agency bottom - along the belly - and there are red-eyed red type.
This piranha fish which include the type of aggressive and ferocious is usually bergerombolan - a lot - and when they are getting their prey - the more together - looks like a lump of sardine or anchovy fish - blackened.
What struck by lightning and diterkamnya. In the 1930's there are some who deliberately menyelidki expedition behavior of this piranha fish.
In the experiment - they dropped a goat who intentionally injured a little smelly for fishing for piranha and the color of blood. And soon hundreds of piranhas pounce and shred the meat goat.
Less than an hour - the only live goat bones skeleton alone! There is another group of cattle that crossed the river - that is not how many times the width - and there is a cow who injured his leg. And the cow blood smells very targeted fishing by piranhas. And a very ferocious piranha is like a wave that is very noisy - splashed - flesh ripping jump-jumping cow.
And within a few tens of minutes - a cow that was soon to be big skeletons whose flesh has lost all!
Conversely Indian population residing along the stem of the river both in the Brazilian Amazon and that in Venezuela - often catch piranha - or deliberately fishing or spear and hunt piranhas.
If there is exposed to piranha fish or seine nets or hook - soon it diketok piranha-hit over the head to die soon. Because piranhas are very dangerous. While other fish diperlalukan not so. Only special for a vicious piranha fish and savage it.
Usually the sovereign, when there is a group or gang which menyemut many piranhas - fishermen along the river Amazon was avoiding. Better not to "make contact" with the pengganas and pirates-meat.
Fish famous piranha fish tasty meat. A bony fish, including piranha this - is to include a tasty and delicious meat.
Indian cuisine is the way people are comfortable and appropriate for the types of fish - is fried with a mixture of butter and white wine - so he says.
This is for masarakat who have entered the restaurant menu. For ordinary folk still pretty ordinary baked saja.Beberapa countries prohibit import and incorporate these fish, - including Indonesia. Because of this piranha fish, including fish-eating fish and other destroyers - fierce and savage.
Forms - piranha posture is not as good as other ornamental fish. But the graceful shape piranha - stout - strong. A bit like a fish, pomfret, or fish or fish dorade round. Not any old teeth that look - spiky and keen - just awful if we knew that that was the fierce and ferocious piranha that, -

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