Super red arowana
Best Pride Indonesia Ornamental Fish
The popularity of super red arowana is really rising in recent years. Indonesian native exotic wildlife water was raised among the ornamental fish keroyokan foreign-made kind of koi, goldfish, and louhan. Arguably far only arowana is the only local product that can compete with popular ornamental fish developed outside the country to be the Best Ornamental Fish. Very reasonable if the arowana was ordained a Pride of Indonesia - the national pride of ornamental fish.
Unlike most other popular ornamental fish which is the result of overseas development, super red arowana is the original inhabitants of the Kapuas River in West Borneo. Best of berkelir red arowana is the best variant as well as most expensive of the arowana family scattered all across the world. Siluk red, so it is called in Borneo, including in protected species and listed in CITES (Convention of International Trade on Endanger Species of Flora & Fauna) because of its availability in nature is very limited.
But with special permission, super red arowana has bred a long time in Pontianak and could be traded legally. Condition the fish and dragon should be accompanied by a certificate microchip embedded in his body, as a marker of fish tangkaran results. Keeping arowana even then could have double meanings. Appreciate the role of domestic products at the same time help the conservation of rare fish. Obviously with maintaining arowana that has certificates and bermicrochip.
Latin name Scleropages formosus owner is actually never abandoned the ornamental fish enthusiasts. Since the first boom in the eighties, super red arowana actually always been a top favorite animal in the country. But the flood of imported fish kind of koi, goldfish and the last louhan indeed make arowana not so prominent at that time. But the recent rapid appreciation of the increasing trend and become a kind of new hobby.
Red siluk did have a myriad of advantages to become a popular pet fish. Problem appearance can not be doubted, as Wildlife Enchantment title Nusantara a benchmark. Just look at the exotic-looking, scaly width resemble snake scales neatly arranged in a legendary tale. Arowana was then dubbed as the dragon fish. Coupled with a ring of red scales - golden light makes it look more fancy. This red color also adds strength and symbolic power for the owner.
Movement gallant bathing well add elegant charm. Lead to peace of mind when seen swimming in the aquarium. Characteristics of pet animals that are needed in today's filled with a very high pressure job. In addition, the king of all ornamental fish can also be very close and interact with the owner.
Conditions to be another popular fish, namely ease of maintenance are also filled with arowana. The price is quite expensive still dianggak fish often difficult to treat. Yet their needs actually relatively similar to other ornamental fish. Aro not demanding environmental conditions that are too specific. As the fish native to Indonesia and used to live in the river, known as fish arowana-lasting. Many are calling the fish do not host hockey easily die from the disease.
Another plus the price is the most stable among other popular ornamental fish species. Even shows an upward trend compared with the inflation. As illustrated when the dollar is worth a thousand dollars in year 80? An, price arowana 100 thousand dollars. When the dollar rose 10-fold, arowana higher prices reach 50-fold to 5 million. The price also tends to standardized, except for the arowana that has additional features and unique. Bandrolnya will always be getting higher in line with the age and size.
Advantages that make the number of super red arowana fans the last few years has increased very significantly. Now the dragon fish is not only inhabited house just ornamental fish enthusiasts. Communities that were previously not interested in ornamental fish are also starting rollicking maintain. Rising trends can be characterized by the emergence of community arowana lovers in various big cities like Jakarta, Bandung, Semarang, Surabaya, Medan and Makassar.
Also popping up mailing lists and websites that specifically discuss the hobby of maintaining the dragon fish. Members of the community and mailing list arowana were not confined to men alone, women are also quite a lot. Also different generations from the elderly to young children. Communities are also actively held activities, especially the more exciting contests that hobby. Activities dragon fish lovers group pioneered many of approximately of 2006 and the longer-added mushroomed.
Rising trends of fish hobby that became a symbol of reliability is also apparent from the more diverse way of maintenance of the pecintanya. First arowana just kept solitary alias alone in an aquarium. Now, many of which maintain it along with other fish (tank maté), also in groups over a 5 tail in an aquarium (community tanks). Model container maintain arowana underwent development, kind of an aquarium wall until paludarium, a kind of large aquariums with concrete frame that is also a new trend .
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