treatment after pitted


- Put the fish that had been in fights selsai in container sizes 1500ml bottle of mineral water that has been cut and given a new sediment water, then went right half leaves ketapan or filtered water that has been in net ketapan it into a bottle of mineral water .

- The food:

A. One Day only once on each evening.
B. Replace new water or water plus a new leaf ketapan 3 days.
C. Starting in the news feed on the second day after the combat (pitted).

- The process of recovery of at least: 1 to 2 weeks

- Type of choke:

A. We recommend that medium & fine choke secukup give his
B. Except on day 5 & 6 of feeding in adding a bit more of his portion.

* As an alternative medicine:

- If you do not have ketapan racik & anti-biotic from Betta clinics, can also use it Betadine wound MEDICINE (ANTI septic) as much as 3 drops each turn of the new water & CAN ALSO IN MODIFICATION leaves or water only with filtered ketapan only.

- During the re Ren (wound treatment) do not fish on the stern - galaki at least 1 week.

- After that the fish can be at his wound check whether there are defects? especially if there is a defective part lip so the fish are already having to physical weakness, the fish can not be for at fighting back.

- If the circumstances lips (ring) is still smooth, then the fish may still be in care back to the use as male breeders, or to compete again in her special for a blue fish and green for a bit of his mental strength is far more appeal in the silver color for former fighter fish category (2nd).

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