Nile tilapia

Nile tilapia is a freshwater species of fish consumption, fish is not native to Indonesia, but came from Africa which is estimated to come in and was introduced around 1969. The scientific name of fish is tilapia Oreochromis nilocitus, from tilapia fish body shape have a larger body compared with tilapia has a line of vertical white lines on its tail fin and back. Tilapia fish that can live in waters warm water and a fish-eating all or omnivores, because these fish are plankton eaters and plant eaters.
Tilapia fish, including a easy to develop this culture to make a profit so the time for farmers to harvest for tilapia can be shorter when compared to other freshwater fish.
Some advantages of maintenance of freshwater fish tilapia, among others:
Able to produce seeds in large quantities by quality
Rapid growth in fish.
Easy feeding.
Resistant to pests, parasites and diseases.
Can survive in the aquatic environment is not good.
The size of the parent for about 4-5 months old breeded.
Source of nutrients to be consumed and the taste of tilapia meat is delicious.
Nile tilapia is the fish that have the potential sale value, this fish mejadikan ogled by many fish farmers due to high sale value of tilapia in terms of marketing was fairly easy almost every market we encountered on both traditional and modern supermarkets are dikarenkan request will fish tilapia by great demand.

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