casting betta


what the hell are the mean with the old fish?

old according to the calendar? old has been modified by ketapan? old according to the word (it) traders, breeders? because in some old - about their own? or older because of the size of his giant fish?

old fish sense it is:

fish in tetaskan by females and males who have a minimum range of a female aged 8 / 9 months, male 9 / 10 months, 10/11 months of male or female about 8 / 10 purely calendar month, not in thought - suppose.

beyond that all I've got tips for the opening curtain analysis of old fish:

1. ren category for fish, when the first day of fish Arriving at the house let her fish in water gave a white precipitate just two days instead of once a fish in water (* see note collection of photos, about ren / mendem clinic).

2. minimal fitting turn of water, to three significant on day 9 before entering into the jar of fish new water fish in the input to the former cup noodle containers that are still clean (unused).

3. wide circumference of the cup noodle container 9x9cm with 8cm high, new high-water in the container, about 6/7cm.

4. then enter the fish slowly into the container, grab a magnifying glass to the size of the container is cup noodles.

5. Put the container cup noodles & a magnifying glass under light illumination is decent, its best done in the morning / afternoon, today.

6. cup noodle container can also be on hold because of the weight and the water content in it is not heavy,

7. magnifying glass to the lift, lower, according to focus the direction we want to see, such as scales, lip rings, dental, & more.

8. if you have suitable criteria for casting the fish can go right to the aggregated as a quality superior fighter.

9. if less with the criteria you casting his decision is on your own it would.

10. Further casting for her you can also use the size 15x15x15cm aquarium, to see the scales from the right side, left side, below his overall definitely a decent lighting in the morning / afternoon.


when the fish do not do casting in fierce - Empower first, so we know the original physic perform these fish is what it is & should be in great shape and not be sick.


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