Catfish part2

Catfish is one type of fish that live in freshwater fish, we can easily recognize this one fish, fish that are included in the genera Clarias can we identify with the sleek elongated body shape and that there are murmurings didibagian mouth, and do not have scales on her body. Catfish have a hard head catfish have the ability to move inside the dark water is because the catfish has 4 tentacles that can function as a touch, as this mejadikan catfish, catfish also have additional breathing apparatus with which we are familiar with the shaft spines bone located on the fin chest.

Classification catfish are as follows:
Kingdom : Animalia
Sub-kingdom : Metazoa
Phyllum : Chordata
Sub-phyllum : Vertebrata
Klas : Pisces
Sub-klas : Teleostei
Ordo : Ostariophysi
Sub-ordo : Siluroidea
Familia : Clariidae
Genus : Clarias

Foreign nations called catfish as catfish, siluroid, walking catfish and mudfish. There are many different types of catfish are scattered in the world, in Indonesia itself to include the following:

Clarias batrachus, known as the catfish (Java), fish prop (West Sumatra), fish death (North Sumatra), and fish pintet (South Kalimantan).
Clarias teysmani, called catfish Flower (West Java), white Kalang (Padang).
Clarias melanoderma, known as fish spines (South Sumatra), wais (Central Java), pleat (West Java).
Clarias nieuhofi, called leachate fish (Java), limbat (West Sumatra), kaleh (South Kalimantan).
Clarias loiacanthus, who is known as the fish keli (West Sumatra), fish Penang (East Kalimantan).
Clarias gariepinus, catfish known as Dumbo (Lele Lamb), King paints fish,
originated from Africa.
Catfish habitat is the river where the water moves slowly, marshes, ponds and rice fields are flooded, excess catfish for fish habitat are able to survive and thrive polluted places such as sewers or gutters, this animal is included in Nocturnal animals ie catfish during the day spent more time in silence and take refuge in places dark and only active at night looking for food.
Catfish is popular among farmers in fish farming because the demand is quite a lot of these fish, a request was supported because catfish has its benefits:
As a food ingredient
Catfish the ornamental fish or ornamental fish.
Catfish reared in the rice could be helpful to eradicate insect pests of rice water, because it is one makananalami catfish.
Catfish can also be mixed with various other ingredients to treat asthma, menstruation (menstruation) irregular, nose bleeding, blood urine and others.
Nutritional value of catfish, including high and good for health because it pertained food with relatively low fat content and minerals that are relatively high.
In addition to nutrient-rich, catfish also help growth of the fetus in the womb and is very good for the heart because of low fat.
With the benefits that have made the fish catfish that has a fairly attractive selling points, but in general culture is to the fulfillment of catfish as a food ingredient, so that such a freshwater fish that has become popular among farmers for cultivation....

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