Types of Arowana

Super Red Arowana 

Arowana species originated from Indonesia, precisely in the western part of Borneo island in theKapuas river and lake Sentarum. Arowanaspecies is basically divided into several varietiesbased on color, namely red blood (blood red), redchilli / pepper (red chili), red orange (orange red).

Arowana this type already has a red color on thefins, tail, paddle and murmurings since childhoodthat later would appear also on the cheeks and gilledge. Ring will start to look since reaching a size of 25 cm, but has not issued a red color. The red color on the body will start to come out when the fish was about 3-4 years. But their hobbies oftenuse tricks to help accelerate the development ofcolor, such as tanning, good feeding for the development of color, or by placing the fish in thepond that is exposed to direct sunlight.

As for the purple red is a rare type of super red.Red body color with the center of the blue scales orpurple.

Cross Back Golden (X Back Golden) 

Variety cross back golden / golden x back is from Malaysia, as in Perak, Johor, Bukit Merah and Trengganu. Golden cross back / x back is one of the golden arowana varieties.

This arowana is called cross back / x back because at the time of adult rings on the scales can be up past the back. Owned gold arowana varieties tend to be more bright / shiny. Golden cross back a little difficult to get in, so the price is more expensive than other varieties such as Super Red.

The unique color of this variety are essentially diverse, ranging from the blue base, purple base, silver base and gold base. Especially for species that have a base color of gold, more quickly achieve the full color (young age).

Red Tail Golden Arowana (RTG) 

Red tail golden (RTG) is one of the golden variety from Indonesia, particularly the new week -Sumatra. RTG is more aggressive than X Back.As with X Back, RTG also has a variety of basiccolor / base color such as, blue base, green base and gold base. RTG can grow bigger than the XBack.

Lack of RTG is the color scales are generally notable to pass back and only reached the level ofscales to 4 (calculated from the lower body upwards.)

 Banjar Red Arowana 

This species is often regarded as second-class red arowana variety. Even so, this type of equipment has its own characteristic and distinctive. So the hunt arowana hobbies remain as a collection of this type. Color scales which have the basic colors like green and horseshoe shape and a little pink in adulthood makes arowana species is quite unique.

Banjar red at his young age, size 10-15 cm looks very similar to super red arowana. From the color of the tail and fins are reddish, as well as the paddle is similar to super red arowana. But after reaching a size of 15-20 cm in general, the color began to change. The tail is beginning to look orange. Banjar red does not have the ring in general, as well as green arowana. Price from more expensive banjo was red from green arowana (Pino).

Green Arowana (Pino)

Called green arowana because this type has a green base color. Although did not have a ring (color glossy on the edge of scales) as his brother super red, RTG / X Back, green arowana also has its own beauty. This variety can be found in Malaysia, Cambodia, Thailand, Indonesia and Myanmar. Among ordinary Green arowana arowana hobbies called Pino.

Jardini Arowana (Irian)

Color owned arowana varieties is quite unique. The color is basically brown with black spots to a golden kunign at middle scales, even in the head (cheek) to the tail fin and there were these yellow spots. Jardini come from Australia, although frequently found on the island of New Guinea. Therefore this type is also sometimes called Irian by arowana hobbies.

Jardini arowana there are actually two kinds of color, that is the basic color is darker and the lighter. Who have a darker base color is scleropqges jardini and who have a lighter base is scleropqges leichharti.

Silver Arowana (Brazil)

Arowana Brazil or so-called Silver Arowana have different body shapes. With a long body shape and fin length, starting from the center of the body until the end of the tail to give the impression that very graceful when swimming. Arowana can grow up to 50-60 cm. This species originated from South America, but now can be in flower breeding in Indonesia. Indeed Arowana price of this type is cheaper than the type jardini. But if large arowana is very beautiful to be in view.
Later, word got out that this type already exists with platinum silver color (the color resembles the color of platinum & silvernya evenly distributed throughout the body).

Black Arowana

This variety also comes from South America and has the same body shape with a silver arowana, but on the fin to the tail has a black color. It is said that the black color will gradually fade when starting an adult arowana.

African Arowana

As the name suggests, this arowana species found only in Africa. Body shape is almost like silver arowana, but more rounded head shape.

source: arowana.co.uk,aquaticpredators.com

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