Blackwaters have been the cradle of many freshwater fish different multi-coloured fish variety. Rasbora is one distinctive dweller of this specific niche. It has an eye-catching coloration perfect as a living attraction in any freshwater aquarium. It does not fail to impress anticipators and aquarists, alike. In turn, care of rasboras is demanded ornamental fish to sustain its life in non-natural habitats.
Rasboras are common settlers of the South East Asian freshwaters. It can be found swimming on the yellowish or brownish streams of Singapore, Sumatra, Thailand, and Malayan Islands. It thrives on slightly acidic water due to some decaying matters underwater. This usual circumstance made it resistant to this freshwater fish blackwater environment. As the case may be, consistent care of rasboras is nonetheless required.
Moreover, it belongs to the Carps Family of fishes. It is literally small which does not grow more than two inches. It appears in an elongated ornamental fish but laterally compressed form. It has varied shades distinctive of its variants. In general, it looks elegant in its copper shade. Other hues which may be observed are red, silver, pink, red, violet, green, black, etc.
This underwater fascination is familiar as the tropical fish harlequin fish to most collectors. The name is inspired by its triangular mark on its dorsal side. The patch is noticeable due to its blackish flush invading almost half of its body. This highlight is further enhanced by the metallic streaks on its fins and scales.
The rasbora fish is a social underwater creature. It is good-tempered which makes it a good tank dweller. It can co-exist with other folks freshwater fish and can even get along with a school of fish. It is also an excellent swimmer which is impressive with its short size. For sure, it will never be left behind in any swimming group.
The care of rasboras is not that complicated. It is a natural survivor being a native of semi-blackwater niches. It can be housed in a community tank along with other small fishes. It is sociable, good-natured, and active tropical fish . These virtues make it suitable for the tanklife. The tank can be furnished with ornaments such as some vegetation. Dark substrate is also advisable especially during breeding season.
The harlequin fish is flexible in terms of food. It is an omnivore which can take in either meat or veggies. Aquarium fish feeds are comprised of flakes, ornamental fish frozen, and live consumables. These include brine shrimp, worms, algae, and the like. Keep it in perfect nutrition with some supplements available over the counter.This variety of fish can be the best tankmate in one’s collection. Hence, sufficient care of rasboras is tropical fish advised for a more dynamic tanklife.
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