sea horse(Cavalluccio Marino)

Seahorses (Cavalluccio Marino) is a very unique animal. He has called armor clothes or "armor" that serves as a protector of danger. Harness it was very hard as a rock, indestructible even just by human hands. These sea horses were included in this type of fish, and breathe with gills. Their size varies from about 4 to 30 centimeters.

Although included in this type of fish, sea horses swim way different from the way fish swim. Sea horse moves in water by changing the content of the air in the bag swimsuit. If these damaged swim bladders and lose a little air, sea horses sink to the seabed. Seahorses swim upright with their bodies and they can nod up and down.

Sea horse's eyes are very unique. He could see two different things at the same time. His eyes also can move freely, spinning observe each side so that they can look around easily, without having to move her head to the left and right.

Sea horse body is colorful (red, yellow, green, and black) and can be changed according to the circumstances of sunlight shining on his body, and the state of his own body. Although it has many colors, but some colored species partially transparent, so it is not easily seen. Seahorses usually live around coral reefs and sea-tail tethered to crack rocks. He lives in tropical waters spread throughout the oceans of the world.

The most unique is the male seahorse, who gave birth to her children. Male seahorse has a large pouch and slit-like opening at the bottom of his stomach. Seahorse females will lay their eggs directly into the stomach pouch and the male sea horse egg when dropped.

Layers in the pouch to be like a sponge and filled with blood vessels, which serves to feed the eggs or embryos. Pouch or bag of seeds serves to store the given the female egg.

The eggs will flow through the tube into the bag of seeds and then they will be fertilized. The result of conception is called an embryo. The embryo will grow for 10 days to 6 weeks, depending on species and water conditions.

If it's time, 'giving birth' the male's tail will pump until the baby seahorses out. Sea horse babies will come out with a very small form. In addition to containing, the male sea horse bags also serve to regulate levels of salt, to conform with the outside environment when the eggs hatch.

Seahorse life in Indonesian waters, apparently endangered friends. Their habitat, a coral-reef sea, damaged by human activities. The uniqueness of the sea horse made a lot of people want to make a collection, it results in the least amount of sea horses because of excessive arrested.

Well, do not let this sea horse became extinct in the future, and we can not see it anymore. For that, my friends have to come and defend the seas of Indonesia to be a place that's convenient for the sea horse.

Seahorses (Cavalluccio Marino) is a very unique animal. He has called armor clothes or "armor" that serves as a protector of danger. Harness it was very hard as a rock, indestructible even just by human hands. These sea horses were included in this type of fish, and breathe with gills. Their size varies from about 4 to 30 centimeters.

Although included in this type of fish, sea horses swim way different from the way fish swim. Sea horse moves in water by changing the content of the air in the bag swimsuit. If these damaged swim bladders and lose a little air, sea horses sink to the seabed. Seahorses swim upright with their bodies and they can nod up and down.

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