Its true - a bad day fishing is better than a good day of work

When I left the apartment this morning I had every intention of putting in a full day of fishing. And I did put in a full day of fishing. I also had every intention of catching a lot of fish. That one didn't turn out so well.

A little over a month ago I committed myself to learning more about lake fishing. To accomplish this I knew I needed something to get me out on the water. A small boat would have been ideal but my bank account wasn't going to let that happen. So then I looked for a small pontoon boat. I found exactly what I was looking for but it was still a little out of my price range. Then I went to plan C...Craigslist; where I ended up buying a used float tube. Today was my second trip in the float tube and I would have to say that its best feature is that it floats. It definitely lets you cover more water than wade fishing but its pretty slow moving and my knee is on fire right now.

Now on to the fishing. I fished pretty much non-stop from 8:00-4:00 and I fished hard. I changed flies, adjusted my leader length and weight, tried a variety of depths and speeds and any other changes I thought might help me catch more fish. Nothing was working. The water temperature was pretty warm and I assume that the fish have started to move to the deeper water. I finally hit my point of exhaustion and frustration at the first lake and decided to move. A quick 30 minute drive to the next lake and the fishing was not much better. I caught more fish but nothing with any size.

Although I know it is unrealistic to think that every day of fishing can be fantastic, I still get frustrated when its not. The drive home is always interesting, especially when I am by myself. After a great day of fishing I come home thinking I've finally got the fish figured out. I bask in the glory and, with a huge smile on my face, replay in my mind each of the fish that I caught. After a tough day of fishing I usually get mad at myself for not having tried a certain fly or specific technique, question my fishing skills, and wonder why I spend so much time on the water on days with such little success. My attitude quickly changed though on the drive home as I rounded the corner into the city and was swarmed with bumper-to-bumper traffic. I quickly came back to reality and then realized how lucky I am to get to spend so much time on the water, even when the fish aren't biting.

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