Super red arowana Best Pride Indonesia Ornamental Fish

The popularity of super red arowana is really rising in recent years. Exotic water animals native to Indonesia was raised among most foreign-made ornamental fish koi types, goldfish, and louhan. Arguably far only arowana is the only local products that can compete with the popular ornamental fish developed outside the country to be the Best Ornamental Fish. Very reasonable if the arowana was ordained a Pride of Indonesia - the national pride of ornamental fish.

Unlike most other popular ornamental fish which is the result of overseas development, super red arowana is the original inhabitants of the Kapuas River in West Kalimantan. Best of berkelir red arowana is the best variant as well as the most expensive of all arowana family scattered throughout the world. Siluk red, so it is called in Borneo, including protected species and listed in CITES (Convention of International Trade on Endanger Species of Flora & Fauna) due to very limited availability in nature.

But with special permission, super red arowana has bred a long time in Pontianak and can be traded legally. Condition the fish and dragon should be accompanied by a certificate microchip embedded in his body, as a marker of cultured fish. Keeping arowana was then able to have double meanings. Appreciating the role of domestic products at the same time help the conservation of rare fish. Of course, by maintaining arowana that has a certificate and had a microchip.

Owner's name is actually Latin formosus Scleropages never abandoned ornamental fish enthusiasts. Since the first boom in the eighties, super red arowana actually always been a top favorite animal in the country. But the flood of imported fish kind of koi, goldfish and last louhan indeed make arowana not so prominent at that time. But the recent rapid appreciation of the increasing trend and become a new hobby.

Red siluk did have a myriad of advantages to become a popular pet fish. Problem appearance can not be doubted, as Wildlife Enchantment title Nusantara a benchmark. Just look at the exotic-looking, scaly width resemble snake scales neatly arranged in a legendary tale. Arowana was then dubbed as the dragon fish. Coupled with a ring of red scales - golden light makes it look more luxurious. This red color also adds strength and symbolic power for the owner.

High appreciation and trends arowana maintain native to Indonesia and even already been held in foreign countries like Japan, Thailand, China and many European countries. Unfortunately, pretty much the international community who do not know arowana originated from Indonesia. Not a few who still regard the super red arowana is the product of ornamental fish in Singapore. Looking at the image and increase public appreciation in the country, seems to not have to wait long to make the arowana to be king in their own country. Burst open the eyes of the world that super red arowana is the native fish as well as the pride of Indonesia.

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