B.W.O. + The COOLEST Truck You Will Ever See!!

The Blue Wing Olive fly and the BWO fly.  If I had to give you the recipe I would but I doubt any of the followers of this blog - or fly fisherman in general - need any info on this little classic fly.  I could also give you the entomology and history of the bug along with its life cycle but there art much better places to get that information than this lowly little blog, and I'm not talking Wickapedia people.  Pick up any fly fishing or fly tying book out there and you will find more information on this little bug than you would care to know.  Nope all you get is this simple illustration of the fly and ..well..... the fly, together.

What else you get for today is a pic of the coolest truck you will ever see and I had a hand in creating it.  Some of you might remember a while back my postings of trout skin and studies of trout skin.  Well today you get to see just why I was so obsessed with trout skin.
 Now if that isn't the sweetest truck decoration then I don't know what is.  Seriously, when my Jim contacted me and told me what he wanted me to help him with I thought it was a cool idea that should look good but NEVER did I imagine that the end product would look so good.  It looks so good that I am contemplating getting my own jeep skinned (once I get it back into operation - complete coolant system replacement).  Below is the image he used for both sides of his truck.  Awesome is the only way I can describe it.
Thanks Jim for the opportunity to work with you on this project, you are now the envy of nearly every trout angler out there.

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