Mouse & Fishing With Kids

Here is a mouse for those bass fishers out there that love the rise of a big bass to a top water fly.

So I took the kids to a local pond for a bit of fishing blue gill and sunfish.  I mentioned to the kids the other day that I wanted to take then trout fishing but due to school and other chores we were limited to the sunfish pond.  I took my new Tenkara rod and though I am unsure whether it is sacrilegious to take this rod for the lowly sunfish, I did it anyway because.... well its my new toy, and it is easy for the kids to handle.

 FYI.  there is few other things that are as frustrating and at the same time, rewarding as taking a four year old and two year old fishing.  I constantly had to remind them that we are fishing not throwing rocks or sticks into the pond.  Thank goodness the little pond I took them to was LOADED with bluegill and sunfish.  Over all, in less than an hour, we caught and released over two dozen fish.  That is about a fish every 2-3 minutes.  Non of them big by any stretch but fun for the kids and me - absolute FUN.

The Tenkara rod is a great Bream fishing rod.  I still prefer the trout and would have liked to hook a good bass to test it out but the kids had a blast and for me it was all worth it.

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